To have anal sex with, sodomize.
To break or ruin.
This computer is buggered! Oh no! I've buggered it up.
To be surprised.
Bugger me sideways!
To feel contempt for some person or thing.
Bugger Bognor. (Alleged to be the last words of King George V of the United Kingdom in response to a suggestion that he might recover from his illness and visit Bognor Regis.)
To feel frustration with something, or to consider that something is futile.
Bugger this for a game of soldiers.
To be fatigued.
I'm buggered from all that walking.
Broken; not properly functioning.
It's well and truly buggered now; you may as well throw it out.
In trouble; in a bad situation.
The police caught you on CCTV, now you're really buggered.
Tired, worn-out, exhausted.
You'll have to take over from here, mate, I'm completely buggered.