A fixture attached to a wall to hold up a shelf.
Any intermediate object that connects a smaller part to a larger part, the smaller part typically projecting sideways from the larger part.
A short crooked timber, resembling a knee, used as a support.
The cheek or side of an ordnance carriage, supporting the trunnions.
Any of the characters "(", ")", "[", "]", "{", "}", "<" and ">", used in pairs to enclose parenthetic remarks, sections of mathematical expressions, etc.
A printed diagram of games in a tournament.
A prediction of the outcome of games in a tournament, used for betting purposes.
One of several ranges of numbers.
tax bracket, age bracket
A pair of values that represent the smallest and largest elements of a range.
In artillery, the endangered region between two shell impacts (one long and one short). The next shell fired is likely to hit accurately.
The small curved or angular corner formed by a serif and a stroke in a letter.
(land surveying, 19th century) a mark cut into a stone by land surveyors to secure a bench.
To support by means of mechanical brackets.
To enclose in typographical brackets.
To bound on both sides, to surround, as enclosing with brackets.
I tried to hit the bullseye by first bracketing it with two shots and then splitting the difference with my third, but I missed.
To place in the same category.
Because the didn't have enough young boys for two full teams, they bracketed the seven-year olds with the eight-year olds.
To mark distinctly for special treatment.
To set aside, discount, ignore.
To take multiple images of the same subject, using a range of exposure settings, in order to help ensure that a satisfactory image is obtained.
(phenomenology) In the philosophical system of Edmund Husserl and his followers, to set aside metaphysical theories and existential questions concerning what is real in order to focus philosophical attention simply on the actual content of experience.