Bitch (as a term of abuse).
A mistake.
A bishop.
An overseer of congregations: either any such overseer, generally speaking, or (in Eastern Orthodoxy, Catholicism, Anglicanism, etc.) an official in the church hierarchy (actively or nominally) governing a diocese, supervising the church's priests, deacons, and property in its territory.
The holder of the Greek or Roman position of episcopus, supervisor over the public dole of grain, etc.
Any watchman, inspector, or overlooker.
A chief of the Festival of Fools or St. Nicholas Day.
The chess piece denoted ♗ or ♝ which moves along diagonal lines and developed from the shatranj alfil ("elephant") and was originally known as the aufil or archer in English.
Any of various African birds of the genus Euplectes; a kind of weaverbird closely related to the widowbirds.
A ladybug or ladybird, beetles of the family Coccinellidae.
A sweet drink made from wine, usually with oranges, lemons, and sugar; mulled and spiced port.
A bustle.
A children's smock or pinafore.