To deal with a bank or financial institution, or for an institution to provide financial services to a client.
He banked with Barclays.
To put into a bank.
I'm going to bank the money.
To conceal in the rectum for use in prison.
Johnny banked some coke for me.
To roll or incline laterally in order to turn.
To cause (an aircraft) to bank.
To form into a bank or heap, to bank up.
to bank sand
To cover the embers of a fire with ashes in order to retain heat.
To raise a mound or dike about; to enclose, defend, or fortify with a bank; to embank.
To pass by the banks of.
To provide additional power for a train ascending a bank (incline) by attaching another locomotive.
(order and arrangement) To arrange or order in a row.
Piled high.
He tripped and fell on the banked corners of the road.
Of a cheque, deposited in a bank.