To make suitable; to suit.
To take to oneself; to claim or use, especially as by an exclusive right.
Let no man appropriate the use of a common benefit.
To set apart for, or assign to, a particular person or use, especially in exclusion of all others; with to or for.
A spot of ground is appropriated for a garden.
To annex (for example a benefice, to a spiritual corporation, as its property).
Suitable or fit; proper.
The headmaster wondered what an appropriate measure would be to make the pupil behave better.
Suitable to the social situation or to social respect or social discreetness; socially correct; socially discreet; well-mannered; proper.
I don't think it was appropriate for the cashier to tell me out loud in front of all those people at the check-out that my hair-piece looked like it was falling out of place.
Set apart for a particular use or person; reserved.