(obsolete outside law) To put an end to; to cause to cease.
to abate a nuisance
To become null and void.
The writ has abated.
To nullify; make void.
to abate a writ
To humble; to lower in status; to bring someone down physically or mentally.
To be humbled; to be brought down physically or mentally.
To curtail; to deprive.
Order restrictions and prohibitions to abate an emergency situation.
To reduce in amount, size, or value.
Legacies are liable to be abated entirely or in proportion, upon a deficiency of assets.
To decrease in size, value, or amount.
To moderate; to lessen in force, intensity, to subside.
To decrease in intensity or force; to subside.
To deduct or omit.
We will abate this price from the total.
To bar or except.
To cut away or hammer down, in such a way as to leave a figure in relief, as a sculpture, or in metalwork.
To dull the edge or point of; to blunt.
To destroy, or level to the ground.
To enter a tenement without permission after the owner has died and before the heir takes possession.
(decorative arts) Lowered, beaten down, or cut away, as the background of an ornamental pattern in relief. Used specifically of stone-cutting; also of metal when the pattern or inscription is to show bright on dark, and the ground is therefore worked out with the graving-tool and left rough or hatched in lines.